Jan 27, 2008

One month to travel!!!

Jane here - Steve's left his blogger seat and finally let me have a say;-) I'm in panic mode!! One month until we travel and so much to do, so little time. We can't wait to meet our dear Quinn! We received an update from the orphanage yesterday, and it sounds like he is a little charmer. Apparently, the nannies regularly take him to their homes so he can "experience the love and warmth of a family." He is "honey-mouthed" (sweet-talker?) with adults, loves the outdoors and LOVES cars!!! Sounds like a real boy!!! Size-wise, he is the same as Stephanie was at the same age - at least we have some updated measurements to buy him some clothes. Of course, the shoes will be an issue, so just guessing and will buy one pair, as we all know I love to shop for shoes in China!! I think it was 14 or 16 pairs I bought for the 2 girls on our last trip;-)
We are so excited about our trip and know that the next month is going to go very quickly. We look forward to sharing our journey with you and hearing from you along the way.

Jan 25, 2008

We have a travel date!!

Today we locked in our travel dates. We are off to Shanghai to start our adventure on February 27 and will be returning home on March 20 with the families from Group 253. Stay tuned for more details, and check out our high-level itinerary (click on the "Where we are today" link at the right-hand side of this blog).

Jan 21, 2008

We can start planning our trip!!!

Yipee!!! Much to our surprise, we received our confirmation letter on Friday January 11, signalling that we can start planning our trip to China. We will either be heading there the last week in February or the first week in March. Keep checking the itinerary for an update on the start of our journey.

Jan 20, 2008

Itinerary - What's planned for today

Wednesday February 27Fly to Shanghai via Vancouver
Thursday February 28Arrive in Shanghai @ 4:30pm
Friday February 29Shanghai - Shanghai Museum, The Bund, Nanjing Rd.
Saturday March 1Shanghai - Silk Factory, Yuyuan Garden, Acrobats
Sunday March 2Shanghai/Train to Nanjing, Jiangsu (morning)
Monday March 3Nanjing/Drive to Taizhou, Jiangsu (day trip) (Stephanie's Orphanage)
Tuesday March 4Nanjing/Fly to Nanchang, Jiangxi (morning)
Wednesday March 5Nanchang/Drive to Jiujiang, Jiangxi (afternoon)
Thursday March 6Jiujiang (Hannah's Orphanage)
Friday March 7Jiujiang/Drive to Lushan Mountains (day trip)
Saturday March 8Jiujiang/Drive to Wuhan, Hubei (afternoon)
Sunday March 9Wuhan - Free day - sites tbd
Monday March 10Wuhan - Meet Quinn!!!
Tuesday March 11Wuhan - Paperwork + Free day - sites tbd
Wednesday March 12Wuhan - East Lake Park
Thursday March 13Wuhan - Free day - sites tbd
Friday March 14Fly to Beijing (late afternoon)
Saturday March 15Beijing - Free Day
Sunday March 16Beijing - The Great Wall
Monday March 17Beijing - Quinn's medical/Visa
Tuesday March 18Beijing - Hutong Tour, School visit, Shopping
Wednesday March 19Beijing - Forbidden City, Shopping, Peking duck dinner
Thursday March 20Fly to Toronto - Home Sweet Home!!! (Flight AC032)

Our Route in China