Jan 27, 2008

One month to travel!!!

Jane here - Steve's left his blogger seat and finally let me have a say;-) I'm in panic mode!! One month until we travel and so much to do, so little time. We can't wait to meet our dear Quinn! We received an update from the orphanage yesterday, and it sounds like he is a little charmer. Apparently, the nannies regularly take him to their homes so he can "experience the love and warmth of a family." He is "honey-mouthed" (sweet-talker?) with adults, loves the outdoors and LOVES cars!!! Sounds like a real boy!!! Size-wise, he is the same as Stephanie was at the same age - at least we have some updated measurements to buy him some clothes. Of course, the shoes will be an issue, so just guessing and will buy one pair, as we all know I love to shop for shoes in China!! I think it was 14 or 16 pairs I bought for the 2 girls on our last trip;-)
We are so excited about our trip and know that the next month is going to go very quickly. We look forward to sharing our journey with you and hearing from you along the way.


Lynn said...

We are so excited for you guys! We can't wait to travel with you on your adventure and just wish it was in person!! Ah well, we will live through your blog and look forward to meeting Quinn when you all get home!
Lynn, Dunc, Kira, Maia

JiuJiang said...

This is exciting news - we will travel vicariously...wish we were travelling again. The kids don't understand why we can't just hop a plane and travel this year?

We'll be keeping close tabs on you

Bonni, Bri, Kiera and Erika

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to travel with you through your blog! Megan is excited to meet her new cousin. It seems like just yesterday when we were sending our own messages. Hannah and Stephanie must be getting so excited! Talk to you soon
Marilynn, Steve and Megan