Mar 12, 2008

Go Fly a Kite!

Today it was a trip to the "beach" for some kite-flying fun in the sun, along the north bank of the Yangtze River. The dramatic reduction in water levels is very evident by the shoreline. The 14 metre depth is the lowest in over 140 years, primarily due to the severe drought this past fall and winter. Though the wind was not very cooperative, all of the children (and adults) had a fun time trying to get their kites airborn.

We had lunch in a nice vegetarian restaurant where they served various "non-meats" (e.g. bean curd, mushrooms) that looked and tasted like real meat and fish dishes, along with staple vegetables such as the ever-popular broccoli. It was delicious.
A visit to the Yellow Crane Tower was the order of the afternoon. The Tower is located in the Wuchang district of Wuhan and is situated on the south bank of the Yangtze River. It is one of the 3 most famous Towers south of the Yangtze River (we have now visited 2 of the 3), and is one of the 4 most famous in all of China. In its 1,700 year history, the Yellow Crane Tower was destroyed many times in different dynasties, and was rebuilt many times. The construction of the present tower was completed in June 1985. There are great views of Wuhan from the top of the Tower. We also listened to a small performance featuring traditional Chinese instruments including chime bells, famous in the province of Hubei.

Through our visit to the shores of the Yangtze and the Tower, we discovered that a helmet might be in order for Sir Quinn. He tends to be a touch on the daring side, not understanding his limitations. A few head bops here and a few lip/teeth bops there, didn't dampen his cheery disposition. We are still having quite the time understanding what he is saying, but it is sure fun trying to figure it out. The most frustrating of all, though quite amusing, is our inability to curtail his hitting, throwing and pinching outbursts - he just laughs and laughs and laughs at our unsuccessful attempts to get him to stop. The orphanage staff said we could reason with him, but with the language barrier, we suspect we've got a long way to go. To him this is quite the game - we hope to turn things in our favour very soon - we will come out on top Sir Quinn!!!.
Tomorrow a visit to the Hubei Provincial Museum.


Anonymous said...

A big "HELLO!!!" to the Ottman Family from Amber, Maddie, Elaine and Glenn. Amber says" Hope you are having fun!" Maddie says "Welcome King Quinn!" Elaine says "You have a beautiful family!" Glenn says "RESP plan?" Tee Hee!

We are truly happy for you. Can't wait to meet Quinn. Does he speak/understand Toisan?

Take care,
Coombes Family

Anonymous said...

Hi sjhs and jenn, Got your latest blog with the kite flying. Looks like you are having nice spring weather. Quinn looks great in his Maple Leaf jersey--knew that Steve would think of that. Both of Jenn's and Steve's pictures are great. You are doing a great job with pictures and commentary of China.We leave here tommorrow a.m. Good to talk to you last nite.Have a safe trip --will see you when you get home.Love, Dad and Joyce.

Lianne said...

Quinn seems like a typical little boy - Steve, you are going to have FUN on your paternity leave! hee hee

Love to all,

~ who is dozing and reading in lovely hot sunshine all day today and does NOT want to return to Canada!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,
It looks like you are having a good time. Your brother is cute. I can't wait to see him when you get home. Have fun! See you soon. Your friend, Madeline:)

Anonymous said...

Hey SteveO. Glad to see you had a great trip. Hope to see some pictures of Quinn when he gets back home. Thanks for the posts and congratulations on your new family member. Looks like he really enjoyed that "swing" thing so I hope you have one set up in your backyard!!

PS: We miss you here at work :)

Dean P.