Mar 11, 2008

A Walk in the Park...

Today, we had our first full day with Sir Quinn. He slept from 6pm to 6am (yipee - let's hope such sleep patterns continue). We had another spectacular breakfast in our hotel (Best Western Mayflower in the Wuchang district - 1 of 3 districts in the city). This has been a common theme during our stay in China (bringing back memories of our previous trips). The breakfasts are buffet style and offer so many choices - fruits, cereals, vegetables, noodles and fried rice, dumplings, french toast, eggs, banana bread, and the list goes on and on.

To start the day, we headed again to the Wuhan Civil Affairs office to wrap up Quinn's paperwork and get fingerprinted and footprinted (in Quinn's case). We asked a few questions of the orphanage staff and found out that Quinn is somewhat of a picky eater (he doesn't seem to like colourful foods, which may explain why he kept picking out the red fiddly bits in his noodles and turned his nose up at watermelon, though he does like apples, oranges and bananas).

Following a noodle lunch in our rooms, we then set off for a lovely afternoon walk through East Lake Park. East Lake, situated on the south bank of the Yangtze River, is the largest lake within a city in China, and covers 33 square kms. Along with the gorgeous weather, the park was beautiful, showcasing the many varieties of plum trees in bloom. Jennifer and Steve were having great fun comparing photos of the scenery. Some examples of each "artist's works" is attached (Steve's (2) on the left, Jennifer's (3) on the right) - you be the judge. All of the children had a wonderful time - no play area, no electonics - just some warm, lazy sun, and a pinwheel each, blowing in the breeze. Quinn was a treat again today. We have never been around a happier child (though we know they are out there). He is perpetually smiling or laughing. Though he will have his hands full, Steve is going to have a blast with Quinn during his parental leave. Quinn can't get enough of his Leaf jersey - it wasn't part of the clothes we selected for him today, but he managed to find it and put it on. Go Quinn Go!!

For dinner, we headed to another dumpling house. We struggled to order the food, with nobody able to understand English or our translation cards, and a menu in Chinese with no pictures. The "surprise" food turned out to be very tasty. Ordering is half the fun in China!!

Tomorrow, another relaxing day. Looks like we might get our first real rain since starting our adventure later in the afternoon and on Thursday, but we plan on flying some kites on Wednesday morning, and visiting the Yellow Crane Tower in the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Quinn is absolutely adorable and looks like he fits in very well with the family. We are just thrilled for you. Thanks for the beautiful pictures that demonstrated the existence of the spring. Here in Ontario, it is still winter and white snow everywhere.

All the best

Anonymous said...

First things first- sorry I missed the birthday- Happy Birthday Jane!!!
Quinn's a real cutie for sure. The start of a whole new series of adventures!

Donna Paonessa said...

Beautiful pictures!!! If I wasn't already, I'm definitely yearning for spring now....

Love the picture of the 3 kids walking hand in hand....


Anonymous said...

HI Jane and family:
Glad to hear things are going well with Quinn. He looks happy and lively and the pictures of the 3 children together are great!

I agree with the other posters, seeing signs of spring and flowers is making me dream of nicer weather to come. I haven't seen so much snow piled around town for a long, long time.

Have a great day.
Theresa, Princess Kelly's Mom

Cathy Murphy said...

Hi Jane, Steve, Hannah, Stephanie and Quinn;

Love the picture of the three children walking with their pinwheels. I cannot believe Quinn has only been with you for 2 days, he's a little trooper. I am envious of the gorgeous weather! Take care!

Warmest regards,

Anonymous said...

wonderful - that is all I can say and so good to hear your happiness in everything you write. Congratulations to you all.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Ottman Gang,
Spring-flowers blooming, bees buzzing, happy siblings playing in short sleeves with pinwheels--it is picture perfect! I'm loving it.
If only I could I would attach a couple photos from around here! Winter seems to be here to stay but at least we've had some wonderful sunshine to make the snow bearable.
I'm passing along a message from my mom. Grandma Gail says: Quinn is beyond precious, and everyone looks so happy. I am following your blog daily, it's so extemely well written and interesting, it's waaay better than the Lonely Planet Guide"
Happy to hear that all goes well on all fronts (and backs).

Lianne said...

Hello from Sunny Florida!!!! We're back online and what a wonderful treasure to read and SEE Quinn become part of the Ottman family forever. He is adorable and loved the "they made me wear it" shot from yesterday...

Bryanna and Cassidy have already checked Sir Quinn out and pronounced...ahhhhhh, he's so cute!

On March 10th, the Thompson and Devine Forever Family days were spent in part thinking about Quinn's arrival...welcome home, little man!!!

Love Lianne

Anonymous said...

hi ottmans
cheers from the cayman islands. i did try to send message after your last blog entry but for some reason??? i don't think it posted!
anyhow i wanted to say congratulations. you must all be so excited to finally be spending time with quinn. he sounds like quite a character. im looking forward to meeting him!! i'm sure stephanie and hannah are a huge help! see you soon!
mrs pamukoff

Anonymous said...

Hi Ottmans,

Wonderful "spring" pictures! Seeing you ALL together makes it perfect. We especilly liked the picture of Stephanie, Quinn & Hannah holding hands with their pinwheels. Here's to busy, but fun days ahead.

Palmer Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane -

Wow! Your trip looks incredible and what amazing pictures and an amazing family. Quinn is an adorable addition to your family and I look forward to meeting him. Safe travels home and looking forward to talking next week. Take Care, Leslie

Anonymous said...

Jane, this is fantastic. Looking forward to our next RM meeting and see your beaming face... mommy of three!

Ricarde del Norte (Sudbury)