Feb 28, 2008

The Ottmans Are In China!

We arrived in Shanghai safely to beautiful sunny weather and about 12C. The flights were both smooth, although Stephanie suffered when we landed in Vancouver because of her ears. The girls were awesome on the flight and slept a lot of the way. We met our travel guide, Fontana (no relation to Hannah Montana), and our Shanghai driver, Shu, and headed to the Baolong Hotel (Grand Mercure).

On our drive to the hotel, our lives flashed before our eyes at least 4 times in the first 20 minutes. We forgot how wild the drivers in China are - weaving in and out, missing hitting others by millimeters!! We escaped with only a few damaged nerves. All of this "smash-up derby" driving is making Jane a tad nervous for our visit to the Lushan Mountains :). Hannah wanted to let everyone know that she is buckle-free in China (to us that's no buckle, white knuckle).

We're thrilled to be back in China, and I now know what friends meant when they said their daughters were excited to be in their birth country as Hannah lit up with a huge grin on her face the moment we landed. When asked how they felt about being back in China, Hannah responded "It's gonna be awesome", and Stephanie gave us the Scooby Doo cheer!


carol pamukoff said...

Hi Stephanie, Hannah, Jane and Steve
Your friends at school will be so excited to know that you are safely in China. Yesterday, we were talking about how you were probably still on the airplane, but thought you might be in China by the time we got up to have breakfast the next day!
I will share your news with the class. Don't forget to take lots of pictures!!
Mrs. Pamukoff and your Kindergarten friends

JiuJiang said...

Hi Ottman's...so glad to hear that Hannah thinks China is 'awesome'. It really is exciting to see it thru their eyes eh?

Can't wait to hear more as the days progress - every day of course!

Bonni ; )

Lianne said...

Love the pictures, Steve but WHAT are you doing up at this early in the morning...jetlag in full force? :)

So happy to know you are back online and all is well - the girls will be thrilled to see the pictures and follow the adventure.

Love Lianne, Bryanna and Cassidy

Donna Paonessa said...

Glad you made it safe and sound! Love the before picture...can't wait to see the after (she said with a wicked grin). teehee!!!

Nicole and Sophia wanted to know where Quinn was....they've been begging for a little brother, so clearly that's all they'll be focused on with your trip!

Enjoy your first day in China!

Donna & clan.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely. Hope all is well.

Steve, knew you couldn't go without the soccer update - started well, down 1 then up 2-1, finished down 2-3.

Have a great time!

Duncan and Michelle Simpson

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Family,

Glad to hear that you have all arrived safely. I was showing ShayLyn your before-picture and told her that this is Se Han (Quinn's) new family. She was so intrigued and wanted to go to China then.
I told her one day you will see him again.


Anonymous said...

Morning Ottman Family
Love the excitement in all the photos and the driving description. Glad to hear that you arrived safe and sound, looking forward to hearing all about today's adventures. Garreth and Brenna say hi.

Karenkm said...

Happy to know that you all arrived safely. I enjoy reading the blog. Will be checking regularly.
Karen Lee