Feb 27, 2008

Well - this is it!!!

This is our last post from "home base" as we begin our third journey of a lifetime. I can't believe it is finally here!! Our bags are all packed (and re-packed to get the weight down!!) and waiting at the door for our 4:30am shuttle to the airport.

Our niece Jennifer arrived today safe and sound (and on time even in the snow storm) after having her flight get cancelled on Monday. She ended up having a nice hotel stay right by LAX and arrived all excited for her journey. The girls were thrilled to see their cousin again but managed to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Hannah is a little nervous about what to expect so woke up about 10pm to talk about it and to call Grandma. Apparently, she likes the familiar and would have preferred that all relatives and friends accompany us;-) She is excited about her Jiujiang visit and nervous all at the same time - quite understandable for our very sensitive 8 year old. Stephanie is just looking forward to whatever this adventure brings her way.

To all those friends that have called or sent us emails in the past few days - thank you for your thoughts and best wishes. To our Jiujiang gang - we wish you were with us but will have lots to talk about at our May reunion. To our Taizhou group - we look forward to catching up with some of you when we get back (and Grandma Gail too!!) and the rest during our camping adventure in July. We look forward to sharing our adventures with all of you, so come along for the ride and enjoy!!

Chat with you in Shanghai!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Steve, Jane, Hannah and Stephanie
I'm sure you're all snug and comfy in the Toronto airport waiting to board your flight, checking and rechecking the carry on luggage. I'm sitting here with my morning cup of coffee, looking forward to the next 3 weeks or so of blogging.
Wishing you a smooth flight with good meals and movie viewing. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Hugest of hugs,
Steph, Rick, Brenna and Garreth
The morning blog race has officially begun again! Ladies, set your alarms :-)

Lianne said...

How pathetic are we - we know there won't be a post for another 2 days likely but we're already obsessively checking!

Love to all of the Ottman clan - can't wait for the first installment! Your technical back-up person is ready and waiting!

Love Lianne

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Steve,
Lianne forwarded your blog URL to me, just in time as I was wondering when the next blog I could obsess over would come along.
I'm looking forward to hearing news of your journey to bring Quinn home to join you and your lovely daughters.

Travel safe!
Lianne's sister, Kim

Donna Paonessa said...

Looking forward to daily updates (no pressure though!!). *grin*

Godspeed guys!!

Donna, Nick, Nicole & Sophia

Anonymous said...

Hello Ottman clan, I am so excited to have a blog to be obsessed about. I know that I loved doing this last Aug. and will look forward to your journey. Love to all and safe travels.


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to having another BOY cousin!